5 Steps to Becoming Minimalist12 min read

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5 Steps to Becoming Minimalist


Are you feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your life? Do you find yourself constantly tripping over things you don’t need, or spending hours searching your house for items you can’t find? If so, you’re not alone. In our modern world, it’s all too easy to accumulate stuff – and the chaos that comes with it.

But what if there was a way to escape this cycle of clutter and confusion? A way to reclaim your space, your time, and your peace of mind? That’s where the concept of minimalism comes in. Minimalism isn’t about living in an empty room or getting rid of everything you own. It’s about making intentional decisions about what to keep in your life and what to let go, leading to a simpler, more focused, and ultimately more fulfilling existence.

Imagine waking up each morning in a clean, clutter-free space. Picture having more time to spend on the things you love, rather than wasting it on managing your possessions. Envision the freedom that comes from breaking free of consumerism, the extra money in your bank account, the reduced stress levels. This isn’t just a dream – it’s what becoming minimalist can offer you.

Intrigued? Ready to embark on a journey towards a simpler, more meaningful life? Keep reading to discover the 5 steps to becoming minimalist. It’s time to clear the clutter and make room for what truly matters.

Step 1: Understanding Minimalism

5 Steps to Becoming Minimalist

Before embarking on your journey towards becoming minimalist, it’s crucial to understand what minimalism truly is. Minimalism isn’t about living with the bare minimum or stripping your life down to nothing. It’s not a competition to see who can own the least amount of stuff, nor is it a one-size-fits-all concept that looks the same for everyone.

Minimalism, at its core, is a philosophy and a way of life that encourages conscious consumption and intentional living. It’s about making deliberate choices about what you allow into your life, whether that’s physical possessions, resources, relationships, activities, or even thoughts. The goal is not to own as little as possible, but to make sure that everything you do own serves a purpose or brings you joy.

This philosophy extends beyond just your physical possessions. It’s about decluttering your life in a broader sense, which can include reducing commitments, eliminating unnecessary tasks, and focusing on what’s truly important. By doing so, you create more space in your life for the things that truly matter: relationships, experiences, and personal growth.

Becoming minimalist, therefore, is not just about getting rid of stuff. It’s about reassessing your priorities, redefining your concept of ‘enough’, and reorienting your life around your values and what brings you happiness. It’s a journey of self-discovery and personal transformation that can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Step 2: Assessing Your Needs

5 Steps to Becoming Minimalist

The second step in becoming minimalist involves taking a hard look at your possessions and determining what you truly need. This can be a challenging process, as it requires honesty and introspection. It’s easy to convince ourselves that we need certain items when, in reality, we could easily do without them.

Start by taking inventory of your possessions. This doesn’t mean you need to count every single item you own, but rather categorize and break them into broad groups like clothing, kitchenware, electronics, books, and so on. For each category, ask yourself: What items do I use regularly? What items bring me joy or add value to my life? What items have I not used or thought about in a long time?

Once you’ve identified the items that are truly necessary or meaningful to you, it’s time to consider the rest. Many of us hold onto things because we think we might need them “someday” or because we’re attached to them for sentimental reasons. But remember, the goal of becoming minimalist isn’t to prepare for every possible future scenario or to live in the past, but to make room for the present.

This process also involves distinguishing between needs and wants. Needs are things that are essential for your survival and well-being, like food, shelter, and healthcare. Wants, on the other hand, are things that you desire but could live without. While it’s perfectly okay to have wants, becoming minimalist involves prioritizing your needs and being more intentional about your wants. By focusing on what you truly need, you can reduce clutter, save money, and make your life simpler and more focused.

Step 3: Decluttering Your Space

5 Steps to Becoming Minimalist

Now that you’ve assessed your needs and wants, the next step in becoming minimalist is to start decluttering your space. This process can seem daunting, especially if you have a lot of stuff, but remember: you don’t have to do it all at once. Start small, with one room or even one drawer, and gradually work your way through your home.

One effective strategy for decluttering is the “four-box method”. Get four boxes and label them: “Keep”, “Donate”, “Sell”, and “Trash”. As you go through your items, decide which box each item belongs in. The “Keep” box should be for items that you use regularly or that bring you joy. The “Donate” and “Sell” boxes are for items that are still in good condition but no longer serve a purpose in your life. The “Trash” box is for items that are broken or worn out.

When deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, ask yourself some key questions: When was the last time I used this? Does this item bring me joy or add value to my life? Could someone else benefit more from this item? Be honest with yourself, and remember that every item you get rid of is one less item to clean, organize, and worry about.

Decluttering is more than just a one-time event; it’s an ongoing process. As you continue on your journey of becoming minimalist, you’ll likely find that your needs and wants change. Regularly reassess your possessions and declutter as needed. Remember, the goal is not to live with as little as possible, but to live with only what adds value to your life.

Step 4: Adopting a Minimalist Mindset

5 Steps to Becoming Minimalist

Decluttering your space is a significant part of becoming minimalist, but it’s equally important to adopt a minimalist mindset. Minimalist living is not just about the physical stuff; it’s a way of thinking and being. It’s about recognizing that more isn’t always better and that life can be richer with less.

There are so many ways to create a minimalist lifestyle, and it all starts with changing your mindset and habits. One of the most important shifts is learning to resist consumerism. We live in a world that constantly tells us we need more – more clothes, more gadgets, more everything. But minimalism challenges this idea. It encourages us to question whether we really need the things we’re told we need and to make conscious, careful, deliberate decisions about what we bring into our lives.

Adopting a minimalist mindset also involves focusing on what truly matters. Instead of chasing after material possessions, minimalism encourages us to pursue experiences, relationships, and personal growth. It’s about finding joy and fulfillment in simplicity and intentionality, rather than in accumulation.

More and more people are discovering the benefits of minimalist living and realizing that they have the power to control the clutter, not just in their homes, but in their lives as a whole. By adopting a minimalist mindset, you can free yourself from the burden of excess and create a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. Minimalism is not about deprivation; it’s about making room for more of what truly matters.

Step 5: Maintaining Your Minimalist Lifestyle

5 Steps to Becoming Minimalist

Once you’ve decluttered your space and adopted a minimalist mindset, the next step in becoming minimalist is to maintain your new lifestyle. This is where the real work begins, as it involves making consistent choices that align with your minimalist values.

One of the keys to maintaining a minimalist lifestyle is to make minimalism a habit. This means regularly reassessing your possessions and decluttering as needed. It also means being mindful of your consumption habits. Before making a purchase, ask yourself: Do I really need this? Will it add value to my life? Is there something else I already own that could serve the same purpose? By asking these questions, you can prevent clutter from creeping back into your life.

Another important aspect of maintaining a minimalist lifestyle is learning to deal with challenges that may arise. You may face pressure from society, friends, or family to conform to consumerist norms. Or you may struggle with the desire to hold onto things “just in case”. In these situations, it can be helpful to remind yourself of why you chose minimalism in the first place. Remember the freedom, simplicity, and focus that minimalism brings, and let these benefits guide your decisions.

Finally, remember that becoming minimalist is a journey, not a destination. Your interpretation of minimalism may evolve over time, and that’s okay. What’s important is that you’re making intentional choices that align with your values and contribute to your well-being. By doing so, you can maintain a minimalist lifestyle that brings you joy, freedom, and fulfillment.

Watch this video by Joshua Becker on 15 Years, 15 Lessons: My Journey of Becoming Minimalist

FAQs about becoming minimalist

How do I start being a minimalist?

Starting your journey towards minimalism begins with understanding what minimalism truly means. It’s not about owning a certain number of items or living in an almost empty space. Instead, it’s about intentional living and making conscious decisions about what you allow into your life. Once you grasp this concept, start by assessing your needs and wants.

Take an inventory of your possessions and determine what items are essential or bring you joy. Then, begin the process of decluttering. Start small, perhaps with a single drawer or room, and gradually work your way through your home. Remember, becoming minimalist isn’t a race. Take your time and make thoughtful decisions about what to keep and what to let go.

How long does it take to become a minimalist?

The process of becoming minimalist varies greatly from person to person. It depends on factors such as the amount of clutter you have, your decision-making speed, and the amount of time you can dedicate to the process. For some, it might take a few weeks or months, while for others it might take a year or more. Remember, minimalism is not a destination but a journey.

It’s about making consistent, intentional choices about what you allow into your life. So, don’t rush the process. Take your time and enjoy the journey towards a simpler, more intentional life.

Are minimalists happier?

While happiness is subjective and varies from person to person, many people who adopt a minimalist lifestyle report increased levels of happiness. This is often due to the reduction of stress and clutter, the freedom from the desire to constantly acquire more, and the increased focus on experiences and relationships over material possessions.

Minimalism encourages individuals to live more intentionally and focus on what truly matters, which can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and contentment. However, it’s important to note that minimalism is not a guaranteed path to happiness. It’s a tool that can help you remove unnecessary distractions and focus on what brings you joy.

How many items should a minimalist own?

There’s no set number of items that a minimalist should own. Minimalism isn’t about reaching a specific number, but about owning only what you truly need or what brings you joy. For some, this might mean living with just a few hundred items, while for others it might mean owning a few thousand.

The key is to make intentional decisions about what you own and to ensure that each item serves a purpose or brings you joy. So, don’t get too caught up in numbers. Instead, focus on the principles of minimalism and apply them in a way that works for you.


In conclusion, becoming minimalist is a transformative journey that involves understanding the philosophy of minimalism, assessing your needs, decluttering your space, adopting a minimalist mindset, and maintaining your minimalist lifestyle. It’s about making intentional choices about what you allow into your life, focusing on what truly matters, and finding joy and fulfillment in simplicity.

Embarking on this journey may seem daunting, but remember: you don’t have to do it all at once. Start small, take it one step at a time, and be patient with yourself. And remember, the goal isn’t to live with as little as possible, but to live with what adds value to your life.

Now that you’ve learned the 5 steps to becoming minimalist, it’s time to take action. Start by decluttering a small area of your home, or by reassessing your needs and wants. And if you found this article helpful, consider sharing it with others who might be interested in minimalism. Together, we can create a simpler, more intentional, and more fulfilling way of life.

Thank you for reading this article! If you enjoyed it, don’t forget to check out our other articles, where we share some unique and easy ways to save money, make money, and live your best life.

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